Berzhita Tour
Bërzhita is located 16 km, in the south-eastern part of the capital. It lies in both sides of the national road Tirana-Elbasan. The relief of Bërzhita is composed of two mountainous areas and a valley where its twelve villages lie. The relief is variable, mainly hilly but there are even fields, the mountains and the valleys. Bërzhita is characterized by the fresh and cleaned Air, the beauty of the fields and the blooming of the flowers, from the hills covered with the Mediterranean shrubs, from the blue water of the Erzeni River and the beauty and the freshness of the Skorana spring.
We start the Tour early morning, taking the bus to Pellumbas village on 7.00 close to Faculty of Economy, Tirana. We arrive at Pelumbas village, and start climbing to Pellumbas Cave (45 minutes) we visit the amazing Cave, known as Black Cave. The discoveries made in the Black Cave (Pëllumbas) testify that this area was inhabited from the Palaeolithic until the early Medieval Period. Among the first and most valuable findings with a special value are some flint fragments which belong to the late Palaeolithic period, some fragments of the mud dishes, among which the earliest ones belong to the Neolithic period (7000-3000 years B.C.) and findings of the bronze and iron epoch (approximately 2000-500 years B.C.).
The scenery when you go and come back is amazing since you have a scenic view of Erzeni Valley. Also the area is so rich in agriculture and plants.
The olives here are cultivated for centuries, located up in the hills, prove that this region has been inhabited since the antiquity. The production of the vegetables and of the fruit trees covers an important position in the agricultural production. Farming is considered as a strong point of the economic development as the territory has plenty of pastures since Bërzhita is close to the capital city, it offers very good prices in the market.
The existence of the business of restaurants with traditional dishes is another asset for the economic development, as it guarantees a market which is secure for the trading of the productions of the region, even though it is small.
We walk and talk to people and be informed about their products, farming processes, and buy their products.
Fauna is relatively rich in Bërzhita, particularly in the region with a dense plantation. Among the animals which have a bigger presence there are: Wolf, Fox, Wild Pig, Rabbit and the Marten. Birds that are found in the territory of Bërzhita, such as: Quail, Woodcock, Turtle, etc.
We come back by 14.30, public bus. Tour 5-7 hours